High School Math

MISSION STATEMENT: To encourage and promote a greater use of the internet and computer technology in the math classroom. For educators, students, parents and homeschoolers.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Math Phrases

Common Phrases Used in Math Class -
FINALLY: Only a few more steps to go...
Q.E.D. : Quite easily done.
PROOF OMITTED: Trust me, it's true.
ONE MAY SHOW: I will leave it to you to prove this.
SIMILARLY: Most of this proof is the same as before.
CLEARLY: I don't want to write down all the in-between steps.
TWO LINE PROOF: I'll leave out everything but the conclusion.
TRIVIAL: If I have to show you this, you're in the wrong class.
OBVIOUSLY: I hope you weren't asleep, because I refuse to repeat it.
RECALL: I shouldn't really have to tell you this, but here it is again.
WITHOUT LOSS OF GENERALITY: I did one case, so now you figure out the rest.
IT IS WELL KNOWN: Don't embarrass yourself by asking any questions about this.
CHECK FOR YOURSELF: This is boring, so you can do it on your own time.
BRUTE FORCE: If you understand this overblown proof, then you are really good.
ELEGANT PROOF: Above your head, and less than six lines long.
THESE ARE EQUIVALENT: Since this shows that, and that shows this, then the other thing must also be correct.
BY A PREVIOUS THEOREM: I forgot how it goes, but I'm sure this is right.
BRIEFLY: I'm running out of time, so I'll just write and talk faster.
LET'S TALK IT THROUGH: I don't really want to write it on the board
because I might make a mistake.
PROCEED FORMALLY: Manipulate symbols randomly with confusing explanations.
QUANTIFY: I can't find anything wrong with your proof
except that it doesn't work.

More Math Stuff at www.TheMathWebSite.com.