High School Math

MISSION STATEMENT: To encourage and promote a greater use of the internet and computer technology in the math classroom. For educators, students, parents and homeschoolers.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Redundant Words

Redundant words are common in everyday speech.
Remove the superfluous words (in brackets)
and you will not lose the overall
meaning of the expression.

(actual) experience,(advance) planning
(advance) reservations,(advance) warning
all meet (together),(armed) gunman
at (12) midnight,at (12) noon
autobiography (of my life),(awkward) predicament
(baby) boy was born,(basic) fundamentals
cease (and desist),cheap (price)
(close) proximity,cold (temperature)
commute (back and forth),consensus (of opinion)
(difficult) dilemma,each (and every)
(empty) space,(end) result
estimated (roughly) at,filled (to capacity)
(free) gift,(frozen) ice
(general) public,green (in color)
join (together),(natural) instinct
never (at any time),(null and) void
(pair of) twins,(past) experience
(poisonous) venom,(pre-)recorded
reason is (because),(regular) routine
(small) speck,(suddenly) exploded
surrounded (on all sides),(unexpected) surprise

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