Months of the Year
Origin of the names of the months of the year.
January: For the Roman god of beginnings and endings Janus.
February: From the old-Italian god Februus, for the Roman Feast of Purification.
March: Named after the Roman god of war, Mars.
April: Called Aprilis, "to open". The month in which the buds begin to open.
May: From the Greek Maia, goddess of spring (growth).
June: In honor of the goddess Juno, Queen of the gods.
July: The month in which Julius Caesar was born, in his honor.
August: In honor of the first of the Roman emperors, Augustus.
September: The name comes from septem, "seven".
October: The name comes from octo, "eight"
November: The name comes from novem, "nine".
December: The name comes from decem, "ten".
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