High School Math

MISSION STATEMENT: To encourage and promote a greater use of the internet and computer technology in the math classroom. For educators, students, parents and homeschoolers.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Rhetorical Questions

Do all screwdrivers belong to Phillip?
Does killing time damage eternity?
Why is it that night falls but day breaks?
Are part-time band leaders semi-conductors?
Can you buy an entire chess set in a pawn-shop?
Did Noah keep his bees in archives?
Do jellyfish get gas from eating jellybeans?
Do pilots take crash-courses?
Do Roman paramedics refer to IV's as "4's"?
Do stars clean themselves with meteor showers?
Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations?
Have you ever seen a toad on a toadstool?
Why is it called lipstick if you can still move your lips?
Why is the third hand on the watch called a second hand?
How can there be self-help "groups"?
How do you get off a non-stop flight?
How do you write zero in Roman numerals?
How many weeks are there in a light year?
Do people in Australia call the rest of the world 'up over'?
If a jogger runs at the speed of sound, can he still hear his walkman?
If athletes get athlete's foot, do astronauts get mistletoe?
If swimming is good for your shape, then why do the whales look the way they do?
If tin whistles are made out of tin, what do they make fog horns out of?
If you can't drink and drive, why do bars have parking lots?
If you jog backwards, will you gain weight?
If you spin an Oriental person around several times, does he become disoriented?
Why do the signs that say "Slow Children" have a picture of a running child?
Why do they call it 'chili' if it's hot?
Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?

The related website is at www.TheMathWebSite.com.