Keyboard Puzzle #18
1) For instance 2) Robin Hood
3) Deep in thought 4) A friend in need
5) Tongue in cheek 6) Scrambled eggs
7) Excellency 8) Caught in the act
9) H2O(water) 10) For once in my life.
Lots of Cars
1. caramel 2. cartoon
3. cartridge 4. carnation
5. carpet 6. caravan
7. cardigan 8. cardinal
9. cargo 10. carrot
11. carol 12. carp
13. carpenter 14. cart
15. carton 16. carving
17. carousel 18. card
19. Caribbean 20. Caracas
Hink Pinks
1. space ace 9. fender bender
2. scream team 10. classy lassy
3. tribe scribe 11. higher flier
4. chief thief 12. cheater beater
5. reader feeder 13. sinister minister
6. yelper helper 14. hatcher dispatcher
7. winker tinker 15. projector inspector
8. blizzard wizard
Keyboard Puzzle #23
1) book before going
2) just in case
3) green with envy
4) frankenstein
5) I'm before you
6) go for it
7) lie in wait
8) life after death
9) day in day out
10) calm before the storm
11) made in china
12) repeat after me
13) right after me
14) walk in the park
15) double time
16) inside jobs
17) two in one
18) time after time
19) diamond in the rough
20) unfinished symphony
21) man in the moon
22) fly by night
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